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Shenan Sherwell

Working as an SEO & Digital Marketing expert, I get the chance to help businesses grow by providing optimized digital communications solutions. My background as a front end developer and web designer helps me deliver online solutions that work.

5 simple actions to reduce plastic waste

Plastic waste is a major global issue. In the last century, humanity has created so much plastic that today there are literally mountains and islands made out of plastic waste.
We might be facing a near future where there is more plastic in the oceans than fish. This is why everyone needs to take action. This list contains 5 simple actions you can start doing today to bring down your plastic footprint.

World Population Explosion

“We are a plague on Earth.” David Attenborough In 2013 renowned British naturalist and TV presenter, David Attenborough made a statement to the Radio Times, regarding his thoughts on what will happen if we do not change our current path and adopt a more sustainable lifestyle and control our population. It took many thousands of […]